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You can exchange or request a refund on any item as long as you return it in the original packaging/condition, within 30 days of receipt. Unless otherwise agreed in writing (and subject to the points below), to process a return (refund or exchange), you must send the item(s) back to us – (unworn, unwashed if applicable) and in a resaleable condition. In the event an item being permanently out of stock, the option of a refund or an alternative will be offered.

You should contact our team if an item is faulty/incorrect to discuss whether a return is necessary.
All returns are at your own risk and require trackable postal solutions to ensure their safety and security. Please note, all goods are returned to us at your own expense and Pin Box is not liable for any import charges, taxes or other delivery fees. We can only refund delivery charges if the return is a result of our error or faulty goods and a return has been sanctioned by a member of our customer service team, in writing. 

We do not charge you to send an exchanged item back to you. You will receive refund credit or confirmation of despatch of your exchanged order (if in stock) within 21 working days of receipt for overseas customers. You'll usually get your refund or exchanged items much quicker than this - but feel free to contact our team if you've received nothing after this time. 

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